BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration
A BBA program teaches you the basics of managing a business enterprise. It doesn’t require you to have a deep understanding of any particular field, but it does give you a broad overview of different business domains. This makes you a well-rounded manager who can work in any industry.
Because managers are in high demand, there are many job opportunities for BBA graduates. You can work in a variety of industries, from finance to marketing to human resources.
If you’re interested in pursuing a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA), a BBA is a great foundation. MBA programs typically require students to have a bachelor’s degree in business or a related field.
A Pass in +2 / HSC (or equivalent)
Fees Structure
S. No. |
Course |
Fee per Year |
Intake |
1 | BBA | ₹ 60,000 | 100 |
Curriculum and Syllabus
Department Activities
Zhagaram 2024

SMACK 2022-2023
In chess, every move has a purpose. Life obviously cannot be lived with this much unceasing calculation, nor should we want to live it that way, but there are times when we must align our actions with a predetermined strategy, instead of bumbling through it.
Divergent Thinking
(Case Study)
You can use divergent thinking activities as quick warm-ups to activate creativity or as a brain-break in the middle of a more analytical task. These activities take five minutes, tops. In some cases, you might do a visual divergent thinking activity. You can show students a semi-abstract drawing and ask them to generate a list of possible ideas for what that picture might represent. Other times, you might present students with two or three items and then ask them to generate a list of possible things they could make with those items. One of my favorite language-oriented challenges is to ask students to change one letter in a sports team to make something new (so you end up with the Pittsburgh Pilates, the Phoenix Nuns or the L.A. Fakers). So, again, this divergent thinking might be more visual, spatial, or language-based.
The programme, students will be able to:
- Critically evaluate the key analytical frameworks and tools used in marketing
- Apply key marketing theories, frameworks and tools to solve Marketing problems
- Utilise information of a firm’s external and internal marketing environment to identify and prioritise appropriate marketing strategies
- Exercise critical judgement through engagement and reflection with existing marketing literature and new developments in the marketing environment
- Critically evaluate the marketing function and the role it plays in achieving organisational success both in commercial and non-commercial settings
- Evaluate and act upon the ethical and environmental concerns linked to marketing activities
Wealth From Waste
The programme, students will be able to:
- Critically evaluate the key analytical frameworks and tools used in marketing
- Apply key marketing theories, frameworks and tools to solve Marketing problems
- Utilise information of a firm’s external and internal marketing environment to identify and prioritise appropriate marketing strategies
- Exercise critical judgement through engagement and reflection with existing marketing literature and new developments in the marketing environment
- Critically evaluate the marketing function and the role it plays in achieving organisational success both in commercial and non-commercial settings
- Evaluate and act upon the ethical and environmental concerns linked to marketing activities