B.Sc Biochemistry

Biochemistry is the study of the chemical processes that happen in living organisms. It is a combination of chemistry and biology, and it helps us understand how living things work. Biochemists study molecules like proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, vitamins, and hormones, and how they function in living cells. They also study how these molecules interact with each other to regulate chemical reactions in cells.

Biochemistry is a very important field of study, because it can help us understand diseases and develop new treatments. It is also used in agriculture and biotechnology to improve food production and create new products.


A Pass in +2/HSC (or equivalent) with Botany/Zoology/Biology/Environmental biology/Lifescience as one of the subjects

Fees Structure

S. No.
Fee per Year
1 B.Sc Biochemistry 60000 50

Board of Studies